Kasper Rubin sends the following suggestion: “Mit bedste bud på en "godkendte vælgere til et givet valg", vil være en liste/udtræk direkte fra CPR, baseret på deres kriterier. Alternetiv skal I selv bygge det op omkring en logik baseret på hvor borgeren bor, hvor længe de har boet der, hvilket nationalitet de har, deres aldre, m.m.”
Getting more information on the “valgoplysninger” data he added: “Så der findes ikke en entydig kode i CPR registreret der viser om man har ret til at stemme eller ej. Det er en kombination, der selvfølgelig skal sammenholdes med den eksisterende lovgivning.”
Uptime experience and licenses
If the purpose of a system is right, it is not more or less difficult to use SF6002 instead of SF1520.
To his knowledge it was rare that the CPR integrations were affected by downtime.
Kasper suggested also looking into Datafordeleren as another possible integration for CPR data.
Customer knowledge
Mogens has been in contact with Henrik Brix, CIO in Favrskov Kommune and member of several public IT architecture boards including KL/KOMBIT Digitaliseringsrådet.
He reports that the new KOMBIT valg system will use FK Adgangsstyring and Serviceplatformen. As this system is even more crucial to the Danish elections, it’s hard to decide against using these integrations.
According to Henrik KOMBIT has a lot of focus on bring down the downtime as the infrastructure gets more and more important.