According to Henrik KOMBIT has a lot of focus on bring down the downtime as the infrastructure gets more and more important.
NemLog-In service
Conversation on E-mail between Dan Nobel and Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) on how-to use MitID and if a broker was selected.
No preferred broker is selected in the OS2 organization, the current solution is provided by the hosting supplier
A desire to use the NemLog-in service https://nemlog-in.mitid.dk/login.aspx/mitid as used on borger.dk
The service is described here: https://tu.nemlog-in.dk/forside/A more step by step approach (to the test environment) for integration solutions are described here: Integrationstestmiljø - Information til Tjenesteudbydere (nemlog-in.dk)
There is a need to verify if the registering party is a public or private organization, there is a different price model for each.
Dan Nobel believes this is the right way to go and think the only a few minor details that needs to be ironed out before a registration process can be started and subsequently the development work can start.