Developer Mikkel Ricky from Aarhus Kommune has experience using this integration. He will be happy to share his experience as he tells it’s quite simple when you understand how it works.He A meeting was held with Mikkel and Frank, Daniel and Christian from Precio Fishbone and Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) on
Notes from the meeting
Mikkel has been using “BeskedFåTilsendt” - Få tilsendt besked fra Beskedfordeler (push) via REST-webservice.
Mikkel had some important things to be aware of:
Beskedfordeleren uses mutual SSL, so you both need to download a certificate from KOMBIT and provide KOMBIT with a certificate using the administration module.
When providing KOMBIT with a certificate be aware that this has to be generated by a trusted provider.
The list of trusted provider can be found in chapter 10 in the documentation: https://digitaliseringskataloget.srvitkhulk.itkdev.dk/digitaliseringskataloget.dk/sf1461/D.09.02%20Beskedfordeler-Besked-F%C3%A5Tilsendt-Snitflade.pdf
In general he has had great trouble in getting the integration up and running. However, when the certificates are in place, he thinks things are pretty straight forward.
Some of the code (PHP) from the integration is available at:
Specifically for type of messages from SF1461: https://github.com/itk-dev/beskedfordeler-drupal/tree/main/resources/messages/sf1601Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) will set up a meeting with Mikkel Ricky when we get to developing this integration.