We will be using Beskedfordeleren, specifically https://digitaliseringskataloget.dk/integration/sf1461 , to get status notifications on the Digital Post that is sent using https://digitaliseringskataloget.dk/integration/sf1601.
Developer Mikkel Ricky from Aarhus Kommune has experience using this integration. He will be happy to share his experience as he tells it’s quite simple when you understand how it works.
He has been using “BeskedFåTilsendt” - Få tilsendt besked fra Beskedfordeler (push) via REST-webservice.
Some of the code (PHP) from the integration is available at:
Specifically for type of messages from SF1461: https://github.com/itk-dev/beskedfordeler-drupal/tree/main/resources/messages/sf1601
Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) will set up a meeting with Mikkel Ricky when we get to developing this integration.