\uD83D\uDDD3 Date
\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
Internal project kick-off
Team introduction
Scrum and Agile introduction
Way of working
Around the table
Presentation & expectations
Presentation of OS2Valghalla 3.0 v. Mogens
Presentation of OS2Valghalla 3.0
Development project
Shared core platform
Danish branch
Scrum framework
Roles and responsibility
User stories
Non-technical requirements
Ways of working
Increments & demo
Hao and Phuong will be back the 30th of January
Todays purpose is to set the stage for the project
Mogens will be the product owner and customer representative
Anne-Marie: If needed, feel free to ask questions directly to Mogens. It is important that we keep the communication flow very transparent.
Remember; if you are in doubt at any time what your responsibilities are or what is expected of you, please do not be afraid to ask.
Presentation round
Dan: Lead architect/developer. Will be the equivalent of Daniel from the Swedish team.
Hao: Developer for 6 years at Precio Fishbone, with main focus on Omnia.
Phuong: Working with Omnia for 8 years. Working currently with Danish customer tickets.
Mogens: Have a background as a project lead/coordinator. Worked a lot with websites. Will also be looking at data models.
Jesper: Been at precio fishbone for a little over a year. Got a background in front-end dev and design. Big Data dev and Python development.
Anne-Marie (or Ann or Annie): Will be the project lead for the project and setting the project framework. One of my main tasks will be to support the rest of the team and help answering questions. I'm very excited to get started and work with everyone on the team.
Presentation of OS2Valghalla 3.0 v. Mogens
Project background
Danish elections
Usually no more than once a year
Sometimes they are not announced more than 3-4 weeks before the election, which means the municipalities are in a hurry to start recruiting people and handling who does what and where.
Motivation for a system
Some municipalities use a combination of several different software solutions, which can become a mess
The municipalities lack manpower and need to reduce the number of trivial manual tasks
Danish citizens are used to being able handle tasks themselves/self-service
It is difficult to ensure that the person has a right to vote
Why "3.0"?
Version 1.0 was based on Drupal 7
Version 2.0 is an upgraded version, but still has issues in relation to bad UX and bugs. Drupal 7 has end of life this year.
Version 3.0. Completely fresh (in relation to tech, as it will no longer be based on Drupal).
OS2valghalla 3.0 will offer
Improved task solving
More self-service
Compliance with GDPR.
Support for recruitment and handling of external and employees, both before, during and after the election.
Success criteria
Top 5 most important:
Ready for the election, reliable, and up-to-date.
Validation of participants. Ensure the person is entitled to vote.
More self-service. Reduce manual tasks.
A modern system. The system needs to be intuitive, easy to use and up-to-date.
OS2 - public digitization community
Open source and public collaboration
OS2 is not a supplier but offers a framework for collaboration on OS2valghalla
OS2valgahalla will also be open source and a part of the OS2 framework.
Financed by crowdfunding between 22 municipalities
Consists of product coordinator, project group and steering group.
Presentation of OS2Valghalla 3.0 v. Anne-Marie
Development project
The project is very important, as it will be a part of the Danish democratic process
No fixed scope, but Mogens have created a lot of epics and user stories.
Mogens and his stakeholders has bought consultant hours from us, which means we (Precio Fishbone) have to be transparent when working and keep the communication flow transparent. Everyone is welcome to present ideas or ask questions.
Shared core platform
Based on the Swedish Kaskelot system
The shared core platform will have two branches: OS2valghalla (the Danish branch) and Kaskelot 2.0 (the Swedish branch).
We will already start building the Danish branch while the core is being worked on
OS2Valghalla 3.0
Unique requirements from the Swedish branch
The Danish branch, OS2valghalla, will especially differ on:
Scrum Framework
Important that we encourage transparency, inspection and adaption.
The three most important words; Yes, No, and Help.
Yes: If you agree to a task.
No: Say no if you cannot do a task or you feel it does not fit your strengths. Do not be afraid to say No.
Help: Ask for help when you need it, no matter the size of the question. We are a team and we need to help each other and play on our different strengths.
Our teamwork is crucial for the project.
It is important at all times that everyone in the team understands why we are doing the activities/tasks and where we are heading
Five important team values, that everyone in the team needs to follow.
Committed to the goals of the product and sprint
If we for instance are getting off-track, we should have the courage to get everyone back on track and achieve what we have committed to do.
Staying on track at all time and have our focus at the right place.
We are going to be very open to talk about new ideas. If, for instance, you have some ideas to changes to the architecture then please bring them up and share.
We need to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. This way we can play on each other's strengths. For instance, if a different task suits your strengths better, then bring it up with the group or Anne-Marie.
Bear in mind that English is second language for everyone on the team. No one speaks English perfectly, so do not be afraid to ask if there is something you did not understand.
Roles and responsibilities
Scrum team
We are a scrum team
Product owner
Mogens is the product owner
Responsible for the product backlog
Defining user stories
Mogens will be present in all our meetings
Scrum master
Manages the project framework and process
Helps eliminate "old fashioned" form of control
Committed to developing a usable increment for each sprint
The Scrum Framework
Product backlog
Every known requirement that we have
Requirements will have different priorities
Product refinement meetings
Planning poker will be used to help estimate tasks based on their complexity.
Sprint planning
Every sprint will be two weeks
There will be a sprint planning meeting before each sprint, to create a sprint backlog
Sprint backlog
Will be the backlog for the two weeks sprint
Scrum Team
Daily scrum is mainly for the developers, but Anne-Marie and Mogens will participate as well.
Each sprint has deliverables
Sprint Review
Review of the two week sprint
Will include demos
Sprint Retrospective
We'll discuss, after the sprint, what needs to be changed (if anything needs to be changed) to improve the next sprint.
The Agile Framework
Focus on high transparency throughout each sprint. Everyone needs to know what the goal is the project and sprint.
Sprint planning
Daily scrum
Sprint review
Sprint retrospective
Backlog refinement. The backlog is a living document and will continue to change with new requirements. What is important today might therefore not be important in two weeks.
Acceptance criteria & DoDs (Definition of Done). Needs to be clear to everyone what the DoDs are.
Team collaboration.
Adaption. We will adapt as the project goes along.
Action improvements
Daily plans
"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools." Please ask questions and communication with each other, so we can play on each other's strengths.
"Working software over comprehensive documentation." Our main focus is to hand over a workable software at the deadline at 1st of September. We still need documentation, but working software takes priority.
"Customer collaboration over contract negotiation." The contract is already signed. Mogens and his team bought consultant hours from us. So we need to be transparent about our work.
"Responding to change over following a plan."
Product backlog
There will be a backlog for the shared core and one for each of the two branches (OS2Valghalla 3.0 and Kaskelot 2.0)
Sprint backlog
Burn down chart
Scrum of Scrums
Multiple teams working together
We are going to be component and feature based teams.
We are all part of the product (the infrastructure and business logic) but will branch out when it comes to design and integrations.
Backlog (Danish)
Product backlog
A living document, meaning new requirements will be added and removed throughout the project. It is one of the most important artifacts.
User stories
Non-functional requirements
Continuously delivering increments
OS2Valghalla 3.0 :: Initial Project Plan
Three phases
Analysis & research phase
Development phase
Test phase
Way of working
The Jira platform
User Stories
User stories resides under "Issues" in Jira and each belong to an Epic.
Each user story has a description and can have attachments and be linked to other "issues".
Subtasks can also be created to further break down the user story.
Each user story has acceptance criteria, which needs to be detailed so it is clear exactly what is needed to fulfill the criteria.
Each task will be assigned to a person.
Kanban board
Works with spring lanes. It is important to move the tasks, depending on the current progress of the task.
Every relevant document will be put into confluence.
Meeting notes
Meetings notes will be uploaded here. Preferably there will be a new meeting note taker each meeting.
It is also a place for us (the team) to collect every decision we make. This way we can document our decisions.
We are going to be working in sprints.
Planning poker
Will be a crucial part of our sprint planning.
The devs should create the demos, as the people who've done the work should also be the ones to present the work.
Feel free to ask questions at any time during the project.
✅ Action items
- Some of the Jira platform is in Danish, this needs to be changed to English. Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) will take a look at this.