The external web part of OS2valghalla will use Det Fælles Designsystem - - for the design.
On meetings with Jesper Borup, Dan Nobel, Anne-Marie Mikkelsen and Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) it has been discussed how to implement Det Fælles Designsystem.
The guide to implement is as follows:
Kodefrihed under ansvar
Vi har bestræbt os på at lave et designsystem, der er let at anvende og kode med, men vi vil ikke tvinge nogen væk fra deres favorit (JavaScript) framework. Så længe det visuelle design (CSS) består som beskrevet i systemet, så er du velkommen til at udnytte de teknologier du finder bedst, men giv vores kode et kig, den er lige til at gå til.”
Decided implementation model
As stated on Development packages Angular is the Selected Frontend JavaScript library and Angular Material has been chosen as components and visualization library for Angular. Be aware that Angular Material is for the administration part of OS2valghalla.
It has been decided on to implement Det Fælles Designsystem according to the guide. This means that the visuel design - the CSS - components from Det Fælles Designsystem will be used. We won’t aim to implement the HTML and JavaScript from Det Fælles Designsystem in order to keep needed developer time at a minimum.
It is important to stress that this means it will be the actual CSS from Det Fælles Designsystem and not an “imitated” version of it. It is therefore important that the components use the exact CSS as provided by Det Fælles Designsystem’s CSS framework ( and ensuring that the Angular Material CSS does not cause any overlap or conflicts.