2023-06-19 Retro Sprint 8

2023-06-19 Retro Sprint 8


Reflect on past work and identify opportunities for improvement by following the instructions for the Retrospective Play.




Team Valghalla


@Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) @Jesper Borup @Hao Le Anh @Phuong Huynh Thanh (Unlicensed) @Daniel Tägt @Christian Hestehave Degn @Anne-Marie Mikkelsen


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Start doing

Change / do less off

Keep doing

Start doing

Change / do less off

Keep doing

  • Start user testing (ourselves) based on Jira test cases

  • If possible send (finished) documentation to Jesper

  • Very good adaption of designsystemet

  • Fast onboarding of Daniel

  • Set up of stage environment (seems to be almost there)

  • Spent much time for no-coding works

  • Data re-structure need to be completed soon when have start implementing Task assignments

  • Implement functionality related to Tasks ASAP

  • Find something to replace ECP logging (Application Insights)

  • Estimation / investigating requirements.

  • Write code

  • Finalize the scope

  • Great flexibility from the team

  • Focus on Jira (the process)

  • Keep focus on which parts of a card can’t be done because of connections to task/election/participant etc.

  • Remember documentation

  • Get scope in place

  • Ask questions, when something is unclear

  • Provide your view on best solution in a card

 Action items

ECP Logging
Focus on coding (less meetings)