14-08-2023 Retrospective

14-08-2023 Retrospective


Reflect on past work and identify opportunities for improvement by following the instructions for the Retrospective Play.




Team Valghalla


@Mogens Kjeldsen (Unlicensed) @Phuong Huynh Thanh (Unlicensed) @Hao Le Anh @Jesper Borup @Daniel Tägt @Christian Hestehave Degn @Anne-Marie Mikkelsen @Frank Jensen


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

  • Asking and answering questions early and often

  • A lot of bugfixing and testing

  • Quick updates to test env

  • Get integrations in place

  • Keep asking questions and communicating

  • Keep up speed

  • Doing so consistent work with few bugs

  • Re-define for preventing the confuse about task status “assigned, awaiting, accepted, assigned & awaiting, assigned & accepted”

  • Keep focus on coding

  • Integrations

  • Testing business logics

  • Good questions

  • Good traction

  • Thanks for the flex.

  • Great code quality (not a lot of adjustments / bugs)

  • Keep focus on coding

  • Ask team members if the task process (work) stops because you do not have the knowledge.

  • Keep being flexible

 Action items

  • Re-define for preventing the confuse about task status “assigned, awaiting, accepted, assigned & awaiting, assigned & accepted”